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Re: Fanatismus

Arne Hoffmann, Monday, 27.01.2003, 19:37 (vor 7761 Tagen) @ Jolanda

Als Antwort auf: Fanatismus von Jolanda am 27. Januar 2003 10:18:07:

Hi Jolanda,

das Problem, das du gerade hast, hatten andere Frauen auch schon. Gerade bin ich wieder auf einen Artikel von Erin Pizzey gestoßen, wie wir wissen Gründerin des ersten Frauenhauses der Welt und insofern lange Zeit bei den Feministinnen gern gesehen. (Zumindest bis sie entdeckte, dass Männer ebenso häufig Opfer werden wie Frauen - danach wurde sie angefeindet.)

<a href= >Hier[/link]
beschreibt Pizzey, auf welchen Hass sie bei Radikalfeministinnen gestoßen ist, denen es viel wichtiger war, gegen Männer zu wüten, als sich um die Opfer zu kümmern:

"For so many years women were tyrants behind their front doors. They were able to sexually abuse, batter and intimidate their children and their husbands now, with the advent of the women's movement, they moved out into the world. They took their aggressive, bullying and intimidating behavior with them. Talking with the men who were accused of abusing their women, I was aware of this movement with its wild and extravagant claims against men had fueled the flames of insecurity and anger in men. I watched horror stricken, as in home after home, I saw boys denied not only their access to their fathers, but also access to all that was normal and masculine in their lives. Our universities rushed into grasping funding for 'Women's Studies.' ' Gender politics,' became the new way to brain-wash women with very little education. By now the Politically Correct movement was beginning to hatch and a new form of 'mind control' was devised. Feminists became the new 'thought police.'"

Pizzey spricht auch offen über die Männer, die sich diesen Frauen als Fußmatten anbieten, um ihnen so zur Macht zur verhelfen:

"By now the 'new man' was beginning to emerge and he was not a pretty sight. Parroting everything in the woman in his life was teaching, he could usually be found in woman's conferences running the crèches and trying to looking 'caring.' Mostly he was stoned, confused and angry. Maybe because as far as I could see, the new feminists made no effort to share an equal relationship with their male partners. They saw themselves as 'superior beings.' The new men were expected to take their places a few steps behind their women and to do as they were told. Mostly, they had to accept the dictates of the dictators and quietly get on with the household chores and take care of the children. But what ever a new man did, he could never atone for the sins of other men. Any man who disobeyed his partner, was subjected to expulsion from the matrimonial home and in many cases, from a relationship with his children. Now, there were a legion of feminist lawyers and therapists to make their 'sisters' were fully supported in the battle to destroy men."

Pizzey fordert einen zivilisierten Dialog, und dass auch denjenigen Feministinnen Raum in den Medien gewährt wird, die nicht von Männerhass genährt werden.

Leider ist es im Internet möglich, dass jede dahergelaufene Frau, die nichts anders anzubieten hat als ihren Hass, im Schutz der Anonymität andere Menschen verunglimpft und beschimpft. Was die Frauen in diesen Foren angeht, würde ich sie an deiner Stelle einfach ignorieren. Sie haben nichts anderes als ihren Hass, also würden sie ohne ihn vermutlich vollends zusammenbrechen. Sinnvoller ist es vermutlich, an einer Gesellschaft mitzuarbeiten, in der solche Fanatikerinnen keinen Einfluss mehr haben.

Lieber Gruß


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