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Tulsi Gabbard: Linke haben neues Hassobjekt! (Frauen)

Manhood, Thursday, 10.08.2023, 10:34 (vor 267 Tagen) @ Manhood

Video Tulsi Gabbard über Biolabore der USA in der Ukraine:

There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine


Die US-Nationalgarde hat sich bereits von Oberstleutnant Gabbard distanziert. Oberst wird sie wohl nicht mehr:

Maj. Dan Lessard, a unit spokesman, said that "Tulsi Gabbard's comments made in her civilian capacity represent her views and not those of 1st Special Forces Command" in an email to Military.com on Monday.


Video: Tulsi Gabbard gegen Transenwahn:

Tulsi Gabbard spoke during a Nashville rally against gender-affirming care for minors


Video: Tulsi Gabbard gegen Wokeness und antiweissen Rassismus:

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism.


Manhood :-) s_applaus :-)

PS: Gabbard for President! s_feuerwerk

Swiss Lives matter!!![image]

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