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Seattle Art Museum: "Father and Son"

Sam, Sunday, 02.10.2005, 01:51 (vor 6984 Tagen)

The Seattle Art Museum’s (SAM) Director Mimi Gates announced a major commission for the Olympic Sculpture Park, a fountain titled Father and Son, 2005, from internationally acclaimed artist Louise Bourgeois. [...]
"Nudity in this work is a symbol of emotional nakedness; the two figures stand before each other but cannot touch; they try to see each other, but never see eye to eye; they are separated by bell jars of cascading water, which prevent any contact between them. At 94 Louise Bourgeois is still finding ways to push the boundaries of her creativity. The subject of Mother and Child is classic in art, but Father and Son is especially relevant today when fathers play a more active role in their children’s lives."

Eine wunderbare Szene findet sich übrigens auch unter folgender Adresse:
(Browser auf Vollbild schalten; einige Sätze zu dem Bild hier und hier.)

Re: Seattle Art Museum: "Father and Son"

Sam, Friday, 07.10.2005, 22:56 (vor 6979 Tagen) @ Sam

Als Antwort auf: Seattle Art Museum: "Father and Son" von Sam am 01. Oktober 2005 22:51:

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