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Re: "Übermenschliche Qualitäten..."

zombie, Friday, 03.03.2006, 00:47 (vor 6777 Tagen) @ Jeremin

Als Antwort auf: Re: "Übermenschliche Qualitäten..." von Jeremin am 02. März 2006 22:06:02:

Diese Vorgehensweise ist weniger feministisch begründet, sondern schlicht marktwirtschaftlich. Da bei Frauen der Nestbautrieb stärker ausgeprägt ist und sie wohl schlicht dussliger...also anfälliger für dämliche Werbespots sind, müssen sie bei der Stange gehalten werden. Und wie geht das besser als mit heuchlerischer Bauchmiezelei.
Zum Vergleich...James Bond wird auch als Übermann dargestellt und wirbt für coole Armbanduhren und Autos. Das funktioniert in beiden Richtungen.
Aber man sollte schon durchschauen, wie es gemacht wird.

Glaubts Du wirklich dass das nichts mit anti-Männer-, anti-christlicher-. anti- anti- anti- anti- anti-Familien, anti-Kultur-Politik zu tun hat?


In 1976/77 Gaby Kubach’s ARD production “Ende der Beherrschung” was made.
Again, this film shows the friendship between two very different women. Elisabeth
accompanies the non-conformist Carmen to Holland for an abortion and brings her
back to her own home. Carmen’s craving for attention and care brings up conflicts in
Elisabeth, who lives in a heterosexual relationship. Eventually it comes to a row
between Elisabeth, Carmen and her boyfriend. Here again the friendship between
women is pictured as being very intense and thus their relationship gets into a
“lesbian light”, but which could quite easily explained differently. The visibility of
lesbians in cinema and TV at the beginning of this decade just on its way to come to
life just a few years later was threatened to seep away in ambiguity.
Although in the seventies the results of the cultural revolution of the students and
women/lesbian movement in this country could be felt as well as the movements in
the USA the new liberal system did not only lead to more permissive productions but
also to stereotyped trashy sex-films. With this wave of films a lot of lesbian women
turned up that either only turned to a woman until a man appeared, or were subject to
a lesbian sexual harassment or did harass themselves. Especially films presenting
secluded surroundings of living as you can already take from their titles were very
popular: “Frauengefängnis [Caged Women]” (1975), “Frauen im Liebeslager
[Love Camp]”, “Greta – Haus ohne Männer [Greta the torturer]”, “Liebesbriefe
einer portugiesischen Nonne [Love letters from a Portuguese nun]” (all from
1976) by Jess Franco to only mention a few out of the many. Before Michael Thomas
(i.e. Erwin C. Dietrich) Jess Franco was one of the most studious “sexploitation”
directors in German film. Prisons, correction camps, convents and boarding schools
being the sets for different sexual realisations.

Da steht noch mehr über die Lesben-Mischpoke die zwar nur ca. 3-4% der Frauen, 1,5 -2% der Bevölkerung, ausmacht aber Heteros ständig klar machen will wo es lang geht, Frauen gegen Männer aufhetzt....

The first lesbian TV fictional film productions were preceded by two documentaries.34
In 1973 Eva Müthel produced a portray of a handful of women with the title
“Zärtlichkeit und Rebellion – Zur Situation der homosexuellen Frau”35 for the
ZDF. In front of a camera Lesbians talk about their relationships, their politically
feminist demands and their experience with their surrounding. Shortly after that
women of the Homosexuelle Aktion Westberlin (HAW) initiated another very much
more critical documentary with WDR, that was directed by a man but determined by a
radical women group: “...Und wir nehmen uns unser Recht! Lesbierinnen in
Deutschland”36 (1974). With these two portraits the foundation stone for a public
discussion about lesbian life in the broadcasting companies under public law was
"Anna und Edith" (Gerrit Neuhaus), made in 1975, is regarded as the fist German
TV production featuring the love of women. According to Perincioli the script by
Christina Perincioli was too radical for the ZDF (second German television) so that
she as the director was substituted by a man.37 As the editor in charge Alexandra von
Grote38 - signed this intervention. As far as she remembers Perincioli was lacking an
32 Compare the quotation with Robert Fischer/ Joe Hembus, Der neue deutsche Film 1960 – 1980.
Preface Douglas Sirk. Munich 1981, p. 76f.
33 Further look at Julia Knight, Frauen und der Neue Deutsche Film. Aus dem Engl. von Fabienne
Quennet. Marburg 1995 (= Aufblende. Schriften zum Film, Bd. 8), p. 84.
34 For Comparison: The first documentary on gay men “Die Homosexuellen – Paragraph 175 [the
homosexuals – section 175]” by Peter von Zahn was already broadcasted for the first time on May
24th 1965 in WDR. In Law school class in Cologne one (!) gay man lay himself open to the questions
of the students – there were a few single women among them.
35 Zärtlichkeit und Rebellion – Zur Situation der homosexuellen Frau. West Germany 1973. D: Eva
Müthel. First broadcast: August 1973, ZDF.
36 ...Und wir nehmen uns unser Recht! Lesbierinnen in.......

und für so einen Scheiß soll ich Gebüren zahlen?


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