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ist Google auf der Seite der Feminazis? Sergey Brin sagt - using smartphones is "emasculating" (Gesellschaft)

SpiegelIn, Thursday, 28.02.2013, 20:07 (vor 4340 Tagen)

An anonymous reader writes "While speaking at the TED Conference in California earlier today, Sergey Brin seemingly tried to set the stage for a world where using Google Glass is as normal as using a smartphone. What's more, Brin went so far as to say that using smartphones is 'emasculating.' Brin said that smartphone users often seclude themselves in their own private virtual worlds. 'Is this the way you're meant to interact with other people,' Brin asked. Are people in the future destined to communicate via just walking around, looking down, and 'rubbing a featureless piece of glass,' Brin asked rhetorically. 'It's kind of emasculating. Is this what you're meant to do with your body?' Is wearing futuristic glasses any better?" Another reader sends in an article that also muses on our psychological connection to our devices. Or, as he puts it, the "increasingly weird and perhaps overly intimate relationship we have with our gadgets; the fist we touch when awake, the last at night. Our minds have become bookended by glass."

Quelle: Slashdot

Der Gründer von Google sagt also, der Gebrauch von einem Smartphone sei entmannend. Leider konnte ich dazu keine weiteren Erklärungen finden.

Will auch der Google-Monopolist die Männer und Jungen weiter diskrimieren? Solche Worte gibt es eigentlich nur bei Gendernazis..

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