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Wieviel »Gleichberechtigung« verträgt das Land?

How much »equality« the country can stand?

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Mus Lim ⌂ @, Saturday, 03.08.2013, 10:22 (vor 4178 Tagen)

Detmar Doering

Dass Chinas "Wirtschaftswunder" durchaus auf tönernen Füßen steht, weil sich dahinter ein durch und durch kleptokratisches politisches System verbirgt, wird wohl schon seit längerem von Experpten angenommen. Nun hat Thomas L. Friedman in der New York Times einen eindruckvollen Indikator gefunden. Es sind die rachsüchtigen Mätressen hoher und mittlerer Funktionäre Chinas. Die sind nämlich richtig gefährlich geworden, seit sie mit Computern ausgestattet sind ... - Liberales Institut am 3. August 2013

Jilted mistresses of corrupt Chinese government officials have become the country’s most important whistle-blowers — turning to the Internet to expose the antics of senior bureaucrats. The Post detailed the case of a 26-year-old named Ji Yingnan, who had been engaged to wed Fan Yue — a deputy director at the State Administration of Archives — until she discovered that he had been married with a son the entire time they were together.

To get her revenge, Ji “has released hundreds of photos online that offer a rare window into the life of a Chinese central government official who — despite his modest salary — was apparently able to lavish his mistress” with no end of luxury items, The Post reported. The first time “they went shopping, Ji said, the couple went to Prada and paid $10,000 for a skirt, a purse and a scarf. A month after they met, Fan rented an apartment for them that cost $1,500 a month and spent more than $16,000 on bedsheets, home appliances, an Apple desktop and a laptop, according to Ji. Then he bought her a silver Audi A5, priced in the United States at about $40,000, she said. ... ‘He put cash into my purse every day,’ said Ji in a letter to the Communist Party complaining about Fan’s behavior.”

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Suchmaschinen-Tags: Abtreibung, Beschneidung, Genitalverstümmelung, Familienzerstörung

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