Bilder von Ex-Schlampe im Netz teilen ist verboten (Frauen)
Call it a modern day love story: Boy meets girl; they 'like' each other; they privately sext naked pics of each other to celebrate; girl loses interest, breaks it off; guy responds by posting previously private pics to Internet site specializing in revenge; girl has little recourse, suffers much humiliation, ridicule. There is a lot of pressure to change the outcome of such wretched stories, which seem to be pervasive these days. Some relief is on the way the way, at least in California, where this week the governor signed one of the nation's first laws making so-called 'revenge porn' illegal. Specifically, the bill prevents people from electronically distributing or posting naked pictures of ex-romantic partners after a break-up with the intent to shame the person publicly."
wer eine deutsche Quelle bevorzugt (Rainer ) , wird bei Kalifornien: Nacktfotos hochladen verboten fündig.
How the hell will they prove it's revenge? If you don't want naked pics of you posted on the internet, don't let him take pictures. This is one of the stupidest laws I've ever heard of.
Wie immer, werden nur Männer vom Gesetz bestraft. Den Schlampen verbietet niemand Nacktfotos zu machen.