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Liste Femanzen Zita Gurmai (Liste Femanzen)

Oberkellner @, Sunday, 16.02.2014, 11:19 (vor 3876 Tagen)

F127 Zita Gurmai – HUN - geboren am 01.06.1965 in Budapest (Ungarn) - Präsidentin der Frauen in der Partei der Europäischen Sozialisten (PES) – Mitglied der Hungarian Socialist Party seit 1993 – seit 1999 Vizepräsidentin der Socialist International Women – www.gurmai.hu - zita.gurmai@europarl.europa.eu - http://eumozaik.hu/sites/default/files/imagecache/scale-300x300/gurmai_0.jpg

Nur wenn Frauen und Männer zusammenarbeiteten, „können wir Gender Mainstreaming in jeder Hinsicht in der europäischen Gesellschaft garantieren“, fügte Gurmai, die auch Mitglied im FEMM-Ausschuss ist, hinzu.


The rapidly growing number of unemployed young women is set to have a deep and sustained impact on society. Ms. Gurmai delivered her message at the European Young Socialists Winter University.
Zita Gurmai said; “our youth employment campaign is a question of social justice, particularly for women. This is a full scale crisis that European decision makers must turn all their attention to”. Making a reference to the recent announcement by the European Commission to call for quotas in executive boardrooms, Ms. Gurmai said that “The world outside the boardroom is where this crisis is wrecking havoc on women’s lives. On international women’s day that is where we need to have our focus – on the ordinary women who are struggling to make ends meet, balance work and life, or simple trying to find a job”.
Zita Gurmai highlighted the gender perspective of the PES campaign, which goes under the slogan “Your Future Is My Future”. Studies show that women are often overqualified and underpaid for their jobs, their unemployment rate is higher and they are more likely to end up in precarious jobs. The PES proposals aim to fight the gender segregation in education and in the labour market, and to reconcile the work/private life balance. The suggested improvements would have remarkably positive effects on growth as well as on ensuring the economic independence of women at all stages of their life.
A European Youth guarantee - a “new social contract” for young people based on successful existing schemes in Austria and Finland- would need only €10 billion of unused EU funds. Set against the annual €100 billion cost of youth unemployment in Europe it is an easy sell”, said Zita Gurmai.
The central plank of the PES plan is that every young person in Europe –no matter the gender– is offered a job, further education or work-focused training at the latest four months after leaving education or becoming unemployed.
On the 8th March PES Women will join “Women on the bridge”, an international action to promote gender equality. In this context PES Women will promote a European Youth Guar-antee and highlight the gender perspective of youth unemployment


“Women are necessary if we are to make Hungarian society successful,” began Dr Zita Gurmai, MEP, Vice Chairwoman of the Committee of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, in a speech she gave with the title „Women in a Changing Europe”. Mainly the financial problems of those industries – the car industry, the building industry – caused the present economic crisis where mostly men work, so women have an outstanding role in cooperation and peace, she continued. Emphasizing the best practices of the Scandinavian states, Dr Zita Gurmai said that as in the Northern states, everyone is needed to make a welfare state operate, and in decision making the proportion of women should be 25% everywhere. If women are well represented, we also have to pay attention to the fact that we should not just work silently, but make ourselves visible, emphasized the MEP, which is also the main purpose of the Best Workplace for Women award. As a first step, the aim is to increase women’s representation with a 10% increase as part of the Lisbon Strategy between 2000 and 2010 , and also the higher representation of the disabled at the labour market. The voice of women politician is very weak in the media presently, while in the West women over 40 appear more on the screen, said Dr. Zita Gurmai. “Let us cooperate to make the slogan Gender Equality a reality!”, the politician said in closing.


The Party of European Socialists (PES) today joined with Belgian member parties PS Belge and Sp.A to highlight the huge unemployment crisis faced by millions of young women in Europe. The action, which took place in Brussels, on international women’s day, was part of “Women on the Bridge”, a wider event organised by European and Belgian Women’s organ-isations. The event took place at Brussels canal.
PES Women President, Zita Gurmai stated that; “Women count too on the labour Market, especially in times of crisis, when women are hit hardest and youth unemployment hits 5.6 million youngsters. We need to highlight the fact that there is a huge impact on society for young women being left without work, and having to survive on minimal financial support”.

PES Women wants with this message to support the PES Campaign 'My future is your Future' calling for European Youth Guarantee. This guarantee would be active after a young person (under 25) has had 4 months of unemployment.
PES General Secretary Philip Cordery emphasised that; “the PES understands just how negative an effect the austerity measures of conservative governments is having on young women’s opportunities to find a job. The PES Youth Guarantee campaign and the need to improve the employment rates of young women is our central campaign for 2012”.
PES Women are concentrating on the gender angle, by saying that women count too and therefore that we need to tackle the causes that lead towards long-term gender gaps: segregation in education, inclusion of women in new jobs such as green jobs/economy and enhance measures for better private-work balance such as maternity leave.
Present at Women on the Bridge; Zita Gurmai, PES Women President, Olga Zrihen, PES Women Vice-President and Vice-President of the PS Belge and Vicky Corbeels, Vice President of Zijkant Sp.A.


On 5 February the European Parliament held a plenary debate on the progress report on the Western Balkan countries. In her speech, Hungarian MEP Zita Gurmai urged the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina for enhancing the protection of victims of violence. According to Ms Gurmai, a strong political will and sufficient financial resources are indispensable for achieving the desired results.

Ms Gurmai expressed concerns about the lack of vision for the future of the country, as without this the Western Balkan state cannot operate efficiently.

‘Although there were considerable developments, much remains to be done on the field of gender equality. The European Commission provided financial support for civil organisations through its Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, however, we do not know how much part of this assistance was used to help the local associations of women helping directly victims of sexual violence,’ Ms Gurmai said.

According to the socialist MEP these crimes remain largely denied or unpunished while it has lasting and damaging effects both physically and psychologically. Therefore Ms Gurmai called for ensuring financial means to prosecute the perpetrators of such hateful crimes.

‘When it comes to women's rights, the issue of trafficking in human beings, especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation, remains a cause of great concern and I strongly hope that the newly adopted Action Plan will swiftly produce results,’ concluded Ms Gurmai.


Die ultimative Dienstleistungsoffensive des Antifeminismus

Ein bisschen Frauenhass steht jedem Mann!

wikimannia statt femipedia

Bitte stets ein Passbild anfügen (Bild sagt meist mehr als 100000 Gender-Worte!)

Oliver, Sunday, 16.02.2014, 12:07 (vor 3876 Tagen) @ Oberkellner


Liebe Grüße


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