Wenn der Mensch zur MenschIn wird - oder:

Wieviel »Gleichberechtigung« verträgt das Land?

How much »equality« the country can stand?

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Die verdrehten Motive hinter der Political Correctness (Gesellschaft)

agztse @, Wednesday, 26.02.2014, 22:59 (vor 3960 Tagen) @ Bellator Eruditus

These people were rationally retarded. Every idea they proposed they merely parroted from books and articles they had read. They were like malfunctioning automatons trapped in a cycle of discontented social criticism. Their desperation to invent meaning in the midst of their irrelevant lives made me feel ill. If they could not find a legitimate cause to champion, they would create one out of thin air and defend it relentlessly, regardless of how shallow it truly was.

Herrlich. Besser kann man Aufschrei und all die Folgedebatten gar nicht zusammenfassen.

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