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Viele Frauen verlassen die Arbeit, weil sie nicht wie Männer sein wollen. (Frauen)

roser parks ⌂ @, Saturday, 15.03.2014, 14:37 (vor 3959 Tagen)

Erzählt eine Neue Studie.

Many Mothers Leave Jobs Because They Don’t Want to Be Like Men
By Janice Wood Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on March 10, 2014

Many Mothers Leave Jobs Because They Don’t Want to Be Like MenA new study contends that mothers leave the workplace because they don’t want to behave like men.

According to the authors, a University of Leicester management expert and a senior television producer, mothers in professional and managerial jobs are expected to stay late or get in early, as well as socialize with colleagues or clients in the evenings, even if this clashes with their childcare responsibilities. They must do so because the workplace culture is still organized by men, who are less involved in childcare.



Übersetzung für Leute die kein englisch können

Rainer ⌂ @, ai spieg nod inglisch, Saturday, 15.03.2014, 21:58 (vor 3959 Tagen) @ roser parks





Kazet heißt nach GULAG und Guantánamo jetzt Gaza
Mohammeds Geschichte entschleiert den Islam
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