Torrent Tracker: neu mit Like-Button (Off-Topic)
Introducing Like! button
By popular demand we've finally started introducing socialmedia-like changes!
Old and boring Thank you button has been replaced by brand new [Like!].
Soon each forum post and torrent comment is going to have a small Like button.
User profiles will be visible as fanpages.
As part of our continuous mission to ensure the highest possible quality level on Empornium, starting today we will be increasing the requirements for torrents.
Every new torrent needs to have 100 likes within 48hours to stay on site or will be autodeleted!
Der Torrent Tracker für hübsche Mädels führt ab sofort einen Like-Button ein. Inspiriert durch Facebook.
Wenn ein Upload innerhalb von 48 Stunden nicht 100 Likes bekommt, wird er automatisch gelöscht.