News Aggregator Fark zensiert automatisch anti-feministische Kommentare (Allgemein)
The news aggregator Fark is ancient in dot com terms. Users submit news links to the privately run site and tear it — and each other — to pieces in the discussion threads. (Sound familiar?) While the site isn't as popular as during the early 2000s, the privately run discussion forum has continued and has its champions. site operator Drew Curtis announced today that Gifs, references, jokes and comments involving sexism will be deleted. "Adam Savage once described to me the problem this way: if the Internet was a dude, we'd all agree that dude has a serious problem with women. We've actually been tightening up moderation style along these lines for awhile now, but as of today, the FArQ will be updated with new rules reminding you all that we don't want to be the He Man Woman Hater's Club. This represents enough of a departure from pretty much how every other large internet community operates that I figure an announcement is necessary."
Fark war früher sehr populär (DotCom-Boom), hat aber heute nicht mehr die Bedeutung wie damals. Nun zensieren sie anti-feministische Bilder, Witze, Kommentare,..
Als Begründung gab der Pudel an, Leute die sowas machen, hätten grosse Probleme mit Frauen. Sie wollen nicht einen "Frauenhasser-Club" sein.
Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden, wenn Fark schliesst schreibe ich das hier kotzsmiley