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Ausschussquotenmann, Friday, 11.01.2013, 01:52 (vor 4388 Tagen) @ Feminismus

Police are no longer looking for a teenage girl shown being beaten unconscious in a “horrendous” viral video - after it emerged her assailants had already been sentenced in 2011.

Chloe Willingham, 17, and Kelsey Dyson, 16, admitted breaking into the home of a 14-year-old girl and beating her up at Chester Crown Court.

They were caught after the video was circulated by schoolchildren around Merseyside.

The 52-second clip shows a girl in a bath being punched, kicked and stamped on before Willingham pours bathroom products over her unconscious body.

he video - recorded on a mobile phone by Dyson, who also took part in the attack - came back to light this week after it was circulated by schoolchildren in Cardiff.

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