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Der Bericht (Gewalt)

shockley ⌂, Wednesday, 09.12.2015, 15:06 (vor 3282 Tagen) @ Christine


No one knows the true scale of sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that there were more than 1400 victims in the period covered by the Inquiry, and an unknown number who were at risk of being exploited. [...] Many more females than males have been identified as having been sexually exploited, and there must be concern about under-reporting of exploitation of young males.

Generally, there has been relatively low reporting of sexual exploitation of young males, with the exception of the police operation and a criminal conviction in 2007 of an offender who abused over 80 boys and young men. Over the years, this was identified at inter-agency meetings and in CSE plans as an issue that required attention in Rotherham. That continues to be the case today.

Also: 1400 Opfer. Die meisten identifizierten Opfer sind Mädchen. Vermutlich wurden überproportional viele Fälle, die Jungen/männliche Jugendliche beinhalten, nie statistisch erfasst.

Die Zahl bezieht sich aber auf Rotherham als ganzes. Nicht alle Fälle sind auf die Aktivitäten pakistanischer Banden zurückzuführen. Im Zusammenhang von männlichen Opfern ist meist von Einzeltätern die Rede:

A Strategic Management Team was established to co-ordinate police and social care input to an investigation of grooming and sexual abuse of young boys. Over 70 alleged victims were identified and an adult male was convicted of offences against 10 children. The judge commended the joint work that resulted in the prosecution and conviction of the offender.

Ein Täter - 70 Opfer.

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