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Weisheiten vom Pastor

Suchender, Thursday, 14.05.2009, 21:22 (vor 5462 Tagen)

Kennt jemand "the predatory female" von "Reverend" Lawrence Shannon?


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ich habe das Buch vor kurzem gelesen, es ist extrem, sogar für unsere Maßstäbe hier. ich würde sogar sagen, es ist frauenfeindlich, WIRKLICH frauenfeindlich. Andererseits ist es wohl das beste anti-Heiratsbuch überhaupt - raubt jegliche Illusionen.

Paar Auszüge: (Englisch)

The Supernatural
Q. Why do you equate associating with apredatory female to dabbling in the black arts?
A. It is one of mankind's strongest historical parallels. In the Garden of Eden, it was Eve who had the rapport with the Serpent. The Witch at Endor was a woman. Ancient litera-ture, like Homer, expresses

the supernatural leanings of females. Nothing has changed.

For example, a modern predatory female hasthe uncanny ability to track you, in person or by phone, to the remotest parts of the earth. When you begin to fraternize with a woman, you are taking the first

steps in a ritual mating
dance that, if allowed to progress, will resultin your moving about the floor in a semi-comatose state until you are fleeced of your money, property, and peace of mind. A pred-atory female will study you.

She learns to know what you are thinking. She begins the strongest primeval death grip known to

Q. Can reading this book cause problems with a current lover?
A. Reading and comprehending The Preda-tory Female results in "knowing too much" by the standards of a predatory female. Unless you are able to conceal your knowl-edge, she will discover you and recoil

like a vampire from a crucifix.

The Matriarchal System

Q. What is the matriarchal system?
A. Like open range to a wolf, it is the operating medium of the predatory female. It is the unspoken mass thought process that supports her activities. Through the incontestable voting power of superior

numbers of women, it controls politics, the media, and the church. Firmly entrenched, the matriarchal system is apple pie, motherhood, and the marriage-divorce industry. Nearly every citizen, like it or not,

nourishes it. With a supporting cast of thousands including lawyers, doctors, clergy, and politicians, its influence reaches all phases of American life as it forever perpetuates the power of the predatory

female. But even with the overwhelming voting power of females and their subsequent control of governmental functions, the matriarchal system could never operate efficiently without the hordes of male drones

it has created. These men, precondi-tioned by their mothers and suffering from a self-imposed order of chivalry, consistently front for the system and its predatory female masters.

Q. An example?
A. The male dominated Supreme Court re-cently refused to allow the conscription of women into the armed services. The courts, fronted by male drones, are overjoyed at the prospect of helping a predatory

female collect her alimony. But when it comes to the dirty work of protecting the very system fostering this alimony, they turn to the vast reserve of perpetual victims: the befuddled males.

Q. How could this system ever get started?
A. Prior to the turn of the century, the foun-dation was already in place with the popular pastime of glorifying and deifying the female. But shortly after 1900, when women were emancipated by a quaking and

groveling malepopulation, the female block took a subtleand permanent stranglehold on the legal process. Historically, a strong matriarchalsystem is always present in a morally declining society. Moreover,

the higher standard of liv-ing a nation enjoys, the more likely it is to have an entrenched matriarchal system.

Bag Check

Q. Is shoplifting a habit of the predatory
A. The stealing of items from stores, restau-
rants, hotels, and places of employment is considered acceptable behavior by predatory
females. This habit also extends to your home.
Indeed, the unmasked predatory female is
practically amoral and she doesn't improve
with age.

"Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and not given to dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, and for this very reason they are so quick at seeing through dissimulation in others that it is not a

wisething to attempt it with them. But this fundamental defect which I have stated, with all that it entails, gives rise to falsity, faith-lessness, treachery, ingratitude, and so on. Perjury in a court of

justice is more often committed by women than by men. It may, indeed, be generally questioned whether women ought to be sworn at all. From time to time one finds repeated cases every whereof ladies, who want

for nothing, taking things from shop-counters when no one is looking, and making off with them."
—Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860

The Invisible Man
Q. Who is the invisible man?
A. Any man the predatory female has deemed to be of no further use. Although she'll go to extremes pleasing and cultivating a man when she's in the acquisitive mode, she views him as untouchable once his

purpose is served. He totally ceases to exist in every way. He becomes a nonperson and is fair game for the carrion birds of society.
Q. How can the male fall so low in her esteem?

A. He never achieved any other status. He is commonly misled through his failure to grasp the predatory nature of the female. He may have been a victim of the chameleon syn-drome. Indeed, one of the biggest

stumbling blocks for men, especially those reared by women, is the understanding that no woman will ever love them, particularly in the manner they desire.

Q. Why do you say that?

A. A woman's love is like a hand powered grinding wheel. If you pump furiously and wind it up, she will do the job, make noise,even throw off sparks. She will respond, but only respond. The minute you

release the handle . . . she begins winding down. She canonly respond in a temporary manner. That's why an adult female will rarely call you or ini-tiate anything. They are only constructed to respond.

Q. And the invisible man?

A. He is not allowed to crank the handle.Once the charade is over, and that day comes for every man, the female has no feeling, no
remorse, no conscience, and no empathy forthe discarded male. He becomes the invisible man.

The Acquisitive Mode

Q. What is the acquisitive mode?
A. It is the yawn of the predatory nature, a primal stirring. It may rise slowly to the surface—a monster from the lagoon, or it might blind side you like a bear charging out of the broom closet. The mode can be triggered by many things. She suddenly wants to get married. She is bored. Her best friend got married, she doesn't like her job, she wants to move into better housing, she just turned thirty, her sister got engaged, or a host of other reasons. Her invisible electronic gunsight begins sweeping the range, scanning to
acquire a target

Q. How can you be sure a woman is in theacquisitive mode?
A. She shows interest in men. This is a posi-tive identification.

The Real Lesson In The Garden

Q. What is the real lesson in the garden?

A. Adam and Eve were instructed not to eat the fruit of the tree. The Devil evidently stud-ied both humans to find which would be easiest to tempt, the least stable. Consequently, Eve was tricked into eating the fruit. Butremember, Eve was tricked; Adam was not.The real lesson is that Adam, seeing the banishment of Eve, purposely gobbled the fruit because he couldn't stand to be without her. Rather than be left alone, he skulked to the tree, and, with both eyes wide open, munched his way to damnation. History's first grovel. Adam groveled to avert loneliness. Even today, thousands of men are flushing their lives and fortunes, usually into the marriage mill, to avoid being left by, or without, a woman.

The Chameleon Syndrome

Q. What is the chameleon syndrome?
A. A quasi-supernatural transformation, the chameleon syndrome is the predatory female's unholy ability to become whatever the scrip tcalls for in "hooking" a man. She will adop this viewpoints, his attitudes, his hobbies, and his dislikes. Her personality will change to suit his. She will enroll in classes, become a gourmet cook, stop smoking, switch religions, accept his friends, humor his jealousies, develop a relationship with his relatives, or whatever else is called for. She will change colors in the rocks like a chameleon! Of all the traits exhibited by predatory females, this chameleon syndrome is one of the most lethal.

Q. Why?
A. Because, amazingly, the predatory female is completely sincere about her new behavior.She isn't consciously aware of any deception She transforms involuntarily. She could take a lie detector test and pass. There is nothing crooked in her mind. Consequently the male detects nothing a miss because there is nothing amiss. Everything is normal and natural. The predatory female has matched herself with the surrounding landscape; she adapted to her environment for mating and survival. The male innocently concludes he has met the "right"woman.

At The Stroke Of Midnight

Q. How long does the chameleon syndrome last?
A. As long as it takes to subdue the male, which usually means the bonds of holy matrimony and the enforcement powers of thej udicial system.

Q. Then what happens?
A. The adaptation is no longer necessary, the spell is broken, and the colors begin changing back to original. "We've grown apart," is the familiar statement. "Our values havechanged." In truth, the chameleon has simply relaxed to its natural, more comfortable exterior.

Q. You say "more comfortable exterior."
Are you implying the predatory female is uncomfortable in the adapted colors?
A. Although unaware of it, she is often ill atease. Most people have seen an acquisitive woman working hard to bring a man to the altar. She may lose weight, become nervous and fidgety, cry a lot, or develop insomnia.These are signs of a chameleon chafing in her temporary exterior and compose more trademarks of a predatory female.

The Volcano

Q. Are irrational acts a trait of the predatory

A. Yes. She is capable of sudden, illogical,and self-destructive acts at any moment. She is totally unpredictable.

Q. Why is this?
A. Examine a cervix. It is symbolic. With thea ppearance of a miniature, upside down volcano, it is the capstone of an area spawning violent chemical and hormonal eruptions. It seems incredulous that anyone subjected to these biological explosions could escape an unstable personality. It is no wonder that predatory females are often at a loss to explain their actions.

Q. Do these facts make it difficult for a
predatory female to function in society?
A. Not at all. First, we live in a matriarchal society, totally hospitable to these vagaries,and second, she is attractive, beguiling, and adaptable. Also, legions of males—drones of the matriarchy—festoon the countryside,catering to her every whim.

The Wrangler

Q. Why is the handling of a young filly so educational where predatory females are concerned?

A. Young female horses exhibit many of the characteristics of the predatory female. If you charge wildly into the corral, she'll run away from you. If you ease into the corral, take your time, and bring something that interests her (like food), she'll become curious and wander up to sniff you out. Sudden movements will spook her. She will cost you a lot of money. She is dangerous and can hurt you. She is beautiful, unpredictable, and fun to watch. She needs constant attention. She will get into trouble if ignored. In groups, the yquickly establish a pecking order since they basically don't like each other. If you let her have her own way, she'll run all over you. If
she doesn't respect you, she's useless. She is
capable of foundering (eating herself todeath). She will often behave irrationally and can do you both great injury. Marrying her would be a huge mistake.

Public Property

Q. Why do you describe predatory females as being in the public domain?

A. The image of a man dragging a woman to his cave and sequestering her for himself is a popular fantasy. It has no application to the modern, predatory female. The entire concept of a male maintaining a female for his exclusive enjoyment is completely fictitious. This applies not only to sexual favors, but other charms as well.

Q. What import does this have in a dating situation?
A. If an individual fails to understand that a female's charms are never given, only loaned,he is doomed to exploitation. The male must constantly remember that there is absolutely no such entity as an exclusive use of a woman's sexual favors. There are always other men, and sometimes women. The man's innate desire to possess a female, to have his own little sex doll and intimate companion, is his biggest vulnerability. A predatory female will use this weakness to lead him into a trap and destroy him.


Q. When is a predatory female "working?"

A. The predatory female is working when she is in the process of preying on a male or another female. The males are by far the most frequent victims. A visit to any popular restaurant, for example, will enable you to see predatory females working. While the male is paying for the dinner and drinks, she is further ensconcing herself by applying feminine charms and doing little numbers on his head. She may be telling him why they should be living together, be married, whatever. She maybe cultivating an all expenses paid vacation.The possibilities are endless and the predatory female knows how to exploit every advantage when she is working.

Q. What about her job or career?
A. Her job is what she does when she's notworking.

The Snake Charmer

Q. Would you characterize dating and livingtogether as a form of snake charming?

A. Absolutely. A king cobra can reportedly rise twelve feet into the air, an awesome sight. This ancient reptile, one of the most dangerous creatures on earth, but breath taking and fascinating, makes a comparison with the predatory female unavoidable. They vary insize, some hiss before striking, others are slug-gish and have to be prodded into movement,but all deserve respect.

Q. It's difficult to imagine having sex with something like that.

A. Historically, the sex drive transcends all boundaries. The man on a date must carefully approach the wicker basket containing the snake (predatory female). He must then gently unlatch the lid and softly woo the creature while lowering his scrotum into the basket.The trick is to seduce the snake and get the lidback down before she strikes.

Q. What if they are living together?
A. A man living with his girl friend has simply carried the snake into his bedroom. He must always be on guard and constantly insure the latch is secure on the basket.

Two Heads
Q. Doesn't the male share the blame for his demise through females?
A. He shares most of the blame. After all, he is the one with two heads, and he lets the little head tell the big head what to do.

The Blitz

Q. What is the blitz?


It's the heavy bombardment used by the predatory female when she is making her final move to coerce you into some arrangement favorable to her, usually marriage. Often accompanied by the ultimatum, the blitz con-sists mainly of a barrage of reasons why you should agree to marry her. Some examples

You will end up a lonely old man.

You won't have anyone to come home to.

You'll never meet anyone like her again.

Who will take care of you when you're old?

You'll never know the joys of having children.

Letting her go means the end of the gourmet meals.

You won't have anyone to share your life with.

You couldn't stand to see her with someone else.

Remember, a predatory female doesn't have to be living with you in order to subject you to the blitz.

Q. Is there anything I might do to prevent theblitz?

A. Take a calculated risk and tell her, at the earliest point in your relationship, that you want to marry her. Propose to her on the first date. Hopefully she will reject the idea, even stare curiously at you. Never mention it again.If the subject ever resurfaces, simply say that you were turned down once and don't want to think about it anymore. It's too painful.

The Husband As Anti-Hero

Q. What do you mean when you say the average husband is an anti-hero?

A. For years it's been fashionable to portray the husband as a bumbling, subservient mental retard, especially in motion pictures and television. On TV sitcoms, the married man is often the subject of constant ridicule from the wife and her friends as he does one stupid thing after another. Sometimes he's a bigot, at others he's shown up by his wife or kids. The undertone is that the husband is a non-contributor, a problem, or a stumbling block. In commercials he is shown by his wife and a female real estate agent how they really can afford the new house, whereupon he goes bounding around the front yard like a moron. Or they might show him making a total disaster of dinner on the night he is left alone withthe children. The unspoken message is that when the chips are down, it's the wife or another female that knew all along what was best. Conversely, when a real hero appears, he is most often single. How would Superman,The Lone Ranger, James Bond, or even Jesus Christ have come off as a married man? The answer is: terrible. Married men are hard to sell as heroes. A picture of James Bond trying to placate a shrieking wife while she threatens to have his wages garnished doesn't fit the hero image. A married man is a cornered man. He is a man who has lost something,and this makes it hard for him to be classic, free thinking, and independent hero.


Q. Is slavery the natural state of man?
A. History teaches that spiritual, mental, and physical slavery is the natural state of man. Freedom, like a garden, must be constantly tended. Vigilance, always the price of liberty,is highly recommended where the predatory female is concerned. Marriage is a form of slavery, even for the predatory female, and with its tricky packaging, very dangerous.

Q. Do you blame women for the ruin of millions of men through the marriage mill?

A. No. The astounding fact is that men have, of their own free wills, chosen this path to destruction. Like Adam in the Garden, they picked slavery over the prospect of being alone. They have been led en masse, by the genitals, chortling and gurgling like morons, to their own damnation. They must wear the ball and chain of holy matrimony and eventually accept that they are no longer the masters of their homes or futures. Most have little chance of ever being deprogrammed.

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