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Arnes Beitrag - letzter konstruktiver Vorschlag (Projekte)

Nior aon Duine, Tuesday, 30.12.2008, 19:48 (vor 5860 Tagen) @ Christine

Hier noch ein guter Beitrag von Arne dazu

Leider spricht wenig dafür, dass Jimmy Wales ein regelmäßiger Leser von Arnes Blog ist.

Also könnte es ja sinnvoll sein, Mr. Wales die Information, wie es in der deutschen Wikipedia zugeht, aufzudrängen und zwar da wo sie gelesen wird und in der Sprache in der sie verstanden wird: bei der US-Spendensammel-Adresse "donate@wikimedia.org", in englisch und so dass ein Amerikaner drauf anspringt.

Kurz: Ich habe soeben den angehängten Text dorthin verschickt. Er sagt in absolut zitierfähiger Form dass die deutsche Wikipedia keine Wissensquelle sondern eine Ideologieschleuder ist, man deswegen nichts spendet und WP von Herzen ein baldiges Scheitern wünscht, weil das für die Meinungsfreiheit eine großartige Sache wäre.

Mal sehen, ob es etwas bewirkt. Vielleicht klappt es besser, wenn noch ein oder zwei Leute ihn auch verschicken?

Dear Sirs and Ladies,

I've read the empathic appeal of Mr. Wales with rising lack of

E.g. Mr. Wales writes "At its core, Wikipedia is driven by a global
community of more than 150,000 volunteers - all dedicated to sharing
knowledge freely."

Knowing the German Wikipedia, I can not share Mr. Wales's point of view,
but have to classify it as an euphemism to say the least.

German Wikipedia does not share knowledge but spreads ideology. E.g. the
German article "Männerforschung" (Men Studies) has been deleted and
redirected to "Wissenschaftliche Männerforschung" (Scientific Men
Studies). An article that is as one-eyed as its title is tautological.
This article only presents the point of view of the feministic men
studies. I do regard this article as derogatory, and given the lengthy
but unsuccessful discussion war for the rescue of the original article
as deliberate derogatory.

Currently the same writer is working on the deletion or distortion of
the article "Misandrie" (Misandry) and, given the amount of time and
energy mode that "Schwarze Feder" (the writer in question) devotes to
his projects and his unfair mode of operation, odds are high that he
will succeed.

But these articles are just the tip of the iceberg. All gender-related
articles in the Wikipedia are nothing less but of 'neutral point of
view'. A couple of extreme left-wing writers dominates the entire area
and prevents more balanced articles by defaming the work of other
writers. E.g. discrediting references to respected authors as being

Wikipedia has been characterized as "tyranny of those who have spare
time" and "Schwarze Feder" and his helpers prove this characterization
to be nothing else but true.

Freedom of speech is of high value, but as the German socialist activist
Rosa Luxemburg said: "Freedom is always the freedom of the one who
thinks different".

And seen from that point of view the German Wikipedia is an enemy of the
freedom of speech. An enemy, not a simple opponent.

And for this, I will not only refuse to donate a single dime to
Wikipedia but will reveal its lack of reliance, its one-sidedness, its
political bias wherever and whenever possible.

And let me express my best wishes for a fundraising as unsuccessful as
possible. Because the day of Wikipedia's final failure will be a great
day for the freedom of speech.

Sincerely yours


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