Wieviel «Gleichberechtigung» verträgt das Land?

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England gab's, gibt's auch in Deutschland ?

Linksucher, Tuesday, 28.02.2006, 17:46 (vor 6779 Tagen)

"The topic of male-only conscription in the UK was the focus of a large number of books, plays and other literature, most of which portrayed the writers experience of conscription in a very negative way, emphasizing the brutality and tedium of military training. Examples include Arnold Wesker's Chips with Everything and Ginger You're barmy by David Lodge . In his book, Lodge suggests that the practice of male-only conscription helped to generate sexist attitudes by making it difficult for men to regard those who were excused the rigors of military training as their equals."


Gibt es auch deutschsprachige Bücher, die sich kritisch mit dem Militärdienst beschäftigen, vor allem aus der Sichtweise der Gleichberechtigung?

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