Wieviel «Gleichberechtigung» verträgt das Land?

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Klaus_z, Friday, 04.08.2006, 13:12 (vor 6630 Tagen)
bearbeitet von Klaus_z, Friday, 04.08.2006, 13:17


hier ein Artikel, der aufzeigt, daß der Feminismus anscheinend ganz absichtlich initiiert wurde, um alle in die Erwerbsarbeit zu zwingen und damit die Kontrolle über die Kinder (Kitas!) zu erlangen - am Ende kann dann die ganze Gesellschaft beherrscht werden.

Feministen, lila Pudel, Gleichberechtigungsleute und Kita-Fanatiker sind dabei nur nützliche Idioten und Helfershelfer für die Mächtigen im Hintergrund:

"In a recent interview with The New American (June 12, 2006), Aaron Russo, currently of America: Freedom to Fascism fame, reports how he once defended his sympathy with the women?s movement and with equal opportunity to an unnamed member of the Rockefeller clan. Russo describes the chilling response: ?He looked at me and said, ?You know, you?re such an idiot in some ways. We ? created the women?s movement, and we promote it. And it?s not about equal opportunity. It?s designed to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce, where they will pay taxes. And then we can decide how the children will be raised and educated.??

Behind the feminist movement, like a shadow, was the super elite lusting for control?over men, over women, over children, over the workplace, over education, eventually over society itself.

Radical feminists?obsessed with gender politics but never looking behind the scenes?have been great useful idiots for over 40 years. Feminism was never really about women or their opportunities, which is why its benefits, viewed objectively, turn out to be illusory. A lot of women have filled their prescribed roles unwittingly. Still more have followed their leaders naively. Political correctness has been a good tool for gaining the cooperation of men?or, at least, intimidating many of them into silence. Thus today?s ?feminized? order: women don?t trust men; men don?t trust women. Women have careers in record numbers; their children are in state-sponsored daycare where they begin their indoctrination into New World Order globalism and the Earth Charter. Neither men nor women have lives. Neither pays significant attention to their real enemies at the top."


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